If you want to travel and Globe-trot, while not breaking the bank, there are a few easy steps to follow, to ensure you get the most for your money and see as many places as possible the world on a budget. Also make a list of the countries where travel budget is low and things to explore in that countries.

First step to start travel on budget
To be honest, there are just two key components to consider, firstly the transportation, there are many budget airlines all competing for budget travelers, so check the prices of a couple of airlines and choose the one that suits your pocket and book your flight ticket, also compared the transport to travel on locally like choose the public transport and shared cab instead of taking private cars and the first step is completed.
Second important Step
The second most important component in Budget Globe Trotting is the accommodation. There is no point saving money on the Air-fare and then blowing all the spare cash on a 4 or 5-star hotel. Almost every Country and City in the world has a range of budget accommodation perfect for the budget-conscious traveler. You can choose from a Hostel, Bed and Breakfast, Motels, Guesthouse or even a camp
These cheaper options to Hotels accommodation are perfect, you can have a private room, or if you want to save the most amount of money book a bed in a shared dorm. No matter which accommodation option you choose you will definitely find the prices much cheaper than Hotels.
So now you have your travel plans and the right accommodation, you are all set to enjoy your holiday, and the best thing is you will have some spare cash to enjoy the local restaurants, bars, and clubs. This all the way you can do and start travel the World on a Budget